Newborn Essentials: What you really need for a new baby
Expecting a new baby? The baby market is huge and there are so many things that you could buy for your new baby, some that you need, and a lot that are nice to have, but definitely not essential. Here’s a list of the essentials, that should be on your baby shopping list.
Vests and Babygros
One of the most important things you’re going to need is something for you baby to wear. In the early days, the easiest and most comfortable things are simple baby vests and gros. They keep baby warm and cosy, and make it simple for nappy changes.
Nappies and Wipes
You can’t do without these! Newborn babies go through A LOT of nappies, so make sure you’re prepared! You can buy nappies in the supermarket or pharmacies, and they cost various prices depending on which brand you go for. Alternatively you might decide to go with reusable nappies, which although will have a larger upfront cost, can save you a ton of money in the long run.
A Changing Mat
Those nappies we just talked about? You’re gonna want a good changing mat for those – it’s gonna get a lot of use!
A Moses Basket/Crib
Your baby is going to need somewhere to sleep and the most common options are to use a Moses basket or a crib. These are smaller than a cot and good for younger babies as they can help them feel more safe and secure than in a big cot. You’ll also want to get a few sheets (baby sheets tend to need changing pretty often!) and some blankets or baby sleeping bags.
Feeding Essentials
If you’re bottle feeding you’ll need bottles suitable for newborns, usually with a slow flow teat, and a means of sterilising them. If you don’t want to boil up your bottles every time you can buy either a steam steriliser or a microwave steriliser. You’ll also need baby formula milk.
If you’re breastfeeding, there isn’t really much you’ll need in the way of feeding equipment. Some things you may want to invest in are:
- Breast pads – milk leaks are common!
- A Nursing bra – for comfort and easy access
- Nipple cream – it can get sore and cream can help soothe and relieve pain – Lansinoh is a great buy.
Muslin Cloths
Muslin clothes are my favourite baby buy. You can use them for everything, spit-up, milk leaks, baby sick, or even as a very light blanket or comforter. It’s well worth getting a few of these.
Car Seat
If your baby is going to be travelling by car then you’ll need to buy an infant car seat. It’s always recommended to buy a car seat new rather than second hand, unless you know the seller personally and are confident it hasn’t been in any accidents.
To travel around with your baby you’ll probably want to buy a pram or pushchair. For a newborn, you just need to make sure than your chosen pushchair reclines to fully flat, as this is the best position for a new born baby to lie in.
Another option you could consider is a baby carrier or sling.